

We aim to protect your trees

We love trees. When we come out to your property we will help you better understand the health of your trees, what can be done to address any risks or health issues, and like many other tree companies, we can remove dead or hazardous trees.

If you have any questions about your trees, please let us know. We would be happy to help.

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist

The International Society of Arboriculture offers several certifications. Two of their most prestigious certifications are certified arborist and board certified master arborist.

There is a big difference between an ISA Certified Arborist and a ISA Board Certified Master Arborist arborist. To be eligible to test for an ISA Certified Arborist credential, you must be trained and knowledgeable in arboriculture and meet some basic requirements such as a degree in a related field or at least three years experience in the industry.

The ISA Board Certified Master Arborist credential is the highest level of certification offered by ISA. This credential recognizes ISA Certified Arborists who have reached the pinnacle of their profession. In addition to passing an extensive scenario-based exam, candidates must abide by a Code of Ethics, which ensures quality of work. Fewer than two percent of all ISA Certified Arborists currently hold this certification. ISA Board Certified Master Arborist must show proficiency in the following areas of arboriculture:

  • Abiotic Disorders

  • Biology

  • Biotic Disorders

  • Plant Identification and Selection

  • Soil Science

  • Climbing, Rigging, and Removal

  • Diagnostic Process

  • Installation Practices

  • Plant Health Care

  • Pruning

  • Soil Treatment

  • Support and Protection

  • Water Relations and Irrigation

  • Business Relations

  • Inventory and Management Plans

  • Plant Appraisal

  • Risk Assessment

  • Safety

  • Tree Preservation

Registered Consulting Arborist

The American Society of Consulting Arborists has created the credential of Registered consulting arborist (RCA).

Registered Consulting Arborists are the authoritative experts on trees and bring an objective, comprehensive viewpoint to their clients—ensuring the safety, health, and preservation of trees. Servicing a wide variety of clients, including property owners, municipalities, contractors, attorneys, insurance professionals, landscape architects, developers, engineers, other arborists, and more, Consulting Arborists provide the following types of services:

  • Contract Preparation and Supervision

  • Diagnosis of Tree and Landscape Problems

  • Expert Witness and Litigation

  • Forensic Investigations

  • Tree Risk Assessments and Surveys

  • Insect and Disease Identification and Management

  • Municipal Ordinance Development

  • Plant Health Care Programs

  • Training and Education

  • Tree, Landscape, and Nursery Appraisals

  • Tree Management for Arboreta, Golf Courses, and Nurseries

  • Tree Plant Inventories

  • Tree Planting Programs

  • Tree Protection for Construction Projects